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Math Learning Center

Math Learning Center Texas A&M University Math Learning Center
Published on 12/01/2021 07:22 PM

Have you ever said this to yourself?

Sometimes you might be tempted to think like that but before you do consider rephrasing positively with this in mind:
Mathematics is best mastered through studying and practice, with emphasis on the practice. While these are all important, it is not enough to only attend lectures, read notes or the textbook. Your understanding of the concepts must be applied to as many practice problems as possible. Just like a marathon runner needs to train quite a bit well before the day of a race.
Perhaps it is hard to believe now but your math professors, TAs, and math tutors all started with the exact same skill level that you currently have and achieved mastery by practicing lots of problems--Ask them about it!

Immediately after receiving feedback on a math exam is the ideal time to review and correct any mistakes. Self-assess your performance, start with asking yourself:

  • How did it go?
  • What could I have done better?
  • Should my study habits change moving forward to achieve better results?
  • For each problem missed, can I identify what went wrong?

If you do not receive detailed feedback on your exam performance, then request to consult with your math professor on which areas, chapters, or sections require improvement. Math classes typically have a logical progression so the content on your exam will likely serve as the foundation for future exams, homework, and quizzes. When correcting exams, identify and review the chapters in the textbook or notes, review the derivations of the formulas, and any unfamiliar vocabulary terms. Set yourself up for success by leaving no questions or doubts in your understanding. You may not understand every concept the first time you hear it in your math lectures but the Math Learning Center truly believes that every Aggie can excel at math.

I may not be good at math, yet. But I can be.

  Stuck on a math problem? The Math Learning Center offers drop-in peer led tutoring sessions and one-on-one tutoring sessions directed at math and statistics courses. By attending MLC WIR sessions synchronously or visiting the Virtual Math Learning Center for asynchronous help; you can also maximize your exposure and practice to problems in your math classes to better assimilate the content. Not sure where to begin with your studies or looking for more math help? Academic coaching & tutoring is available to all TAMU students from the Academic Success Center at TAMU.